Wood Tech Warsaw Expo is the largest trade show for the woodworking and furniture industry in Poland. This is a unique opportunity to discover innovative technologies, see the latest machinery in action, establish valuable business contacts, and meet market leaders. Get inspired by the trends shaping the future of the industry!
In 2025, LIGNA celebrates its 50th anniversary. The overview of LIGNA’s history summarizes the developments the world-leading trade fair for the wood processing industry has undergone and the technological innovations presented from 1975 to 2025.
Unlock a world of learning opportunities at AWFS®Fair 2025. Gain insights from industry experts, attend workshops, and expand your knowledge base to stay ahead in the woodworking industry. With over 500 exhibitors showcasing the latest tools, technologies, and innovations, AWFS®Fair is the premier event for woodworking professionals. Join us and drive your knowledge to new heights.
DREMA International Trade Fair of Machines, Tools and Components for the Wood and Furniture Industries is the most anticipated meeting for the wood and furniture industries in Poland and at the same time the largest supply center for furniture manufacturers in Central and Eastern Europe.
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